
Information Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Powers presented to Seniors in English classes:

1. FAFSA- All seniors must complete the FAFSA as a graduation requirement or sign off on the non participation form that can be picked up in the guidance office. There is a help video on the MCHS website under guidance department.  FAFSA link https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa

2. Scholarships- Make sure scholarships are turned in on time.  Check the guidance office, daily announcements, MCHS guidance webpage, and wvc https://www.iecc.edu/wvc/admissions-aid/scholarships

3.  Awards/scholarships/Recognitions - if you are receiving awards, scholarships, or other recognitions please email Mr. Taylor (cetaylor@wabash348.com)

4. Selective Service- All males 18-25 are required to register with selective service (takes only a couple minutes) https://www.sss.gov/register/

5. Fees- All fees must be paid before graduation.  Fees can be paid in the office or online.

6. GradPoint / Grades - Make sure all GradPoint classes are completed before Chromebooks are turned in and continue to check grades until the end of school